THE PROBLEM: In City Hall the voices of our neighbors and local businesses do not count. We write our Councilmembers, attend public forums, and dial 311 and 911, yet the issues that impact our communities are not addressed. Every day, outside our homes and businesses, we see the consequences of our City government’s lack of leadership: deteriorating quality of life (trash, aggressive panhandling, ATVs); unchecked violence and criminal activity; and far too many vacant storefronts on our commercial corridors.

THE SOLUTION IS PHILLY FORWARD PAC: The good news is we, collectively, have the power to change this reality. We can make City Hall respond to our concerns and we can work collaboratively with our elected representatives to create solutions, if we are politically organized. What does it mean to be politically organized? It means pooling together our money and the power of our voices in one organization that will support a slate of candidates dedicated to an essential proposition—Philadelphia should be safe, clean and economically vibrant for all. Philly Forward is that organization.

OUR MISSION: Philly Forward, a nonpartisan 527 Political Action Committee, funds and supports leaders who embrace our vision of a world-class city in which to live, work and visit. We aim to make our elected leaders responsive to the quality-of-life concerns of residents and businesspeople in Center City and its adjacent neighborhoods.

OUR STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS: Build the monetary muscle necessary to shape the next big Philadelphia election—when all of City Council and the office of the Mayor are on the ballot—and every election thereafter, to ensure our City becomes and remains world-class.

To achieve that goal, Philly Forward will:

  • Vet and support candidates who embrace our vision of Philadelphia as a world-class city—safe, clean and economically vibrant for all.

  • Support our candidates through political advertising and an effective get-out-the-vote operation.

  • Remain a persistent voice in City Hall to hold our leaders accountable.

WHAT WE NEED — NOW: Your financial support now is critical to Philly Forward raising the funds necessary to establish us as a powerful voice in the upcoming elections. Raising money now is important because:

  • It will get the attention of future candidates and voters, and

  • It will allow us to plan and budget for our professional get-out-the-vote operation and ad campaigns supporting our chosen candidates to make sure our slate is victorious in 2023.

Importantly, this is doable. Many interest groups (think unions/building trades) politically organize themselves to get results from City Hall. Additionally, making an electoral impact is achievable: the current Mayor spent less than 5 million dollars in 2015 and won with the support of only 13% of the registered voters.

If you believe it’s time we are heard, and that City Hall responds to our concerns, please visit our donation page at and help us meet our fund-raising goal. Our PAC will be transparent with all donations and expenditures publicly reported – no “dark money” here.

They say you can’t fight City Hall. We say you can decide who works there.