Your City, Your Choice.

Philadelphians for a Responsive City Hall

“Enough is Enough.”

Philly Forward is an independent, nonpartisan group of residents and small business owners from across the city who love Philadelphia but are troubled by the direction it’s heading.

So we have joined together to be the collective voice who stand up and say, “Enough is enough.”

Our strategy for success

STEP ONE: Show strength in numbers. We know that Philadelphians throughout the city want the same basic things—to feel safe, to have clean streets and public spaces, and to receive basic city services in a timely and effective manner. We also know that our best chance to receive these things is by working together and creative a collective voice of residents and small business owners—aka the people who live and work here—that’s too loud to ignore.

This is why we created the Philly Bill of Rights—an online petition demanding action on basic, basic issues like safety, cleanliness and a responsive government! It’s easier to ignore an individual. It’s a lot harder to ignore all of us.

STEP TWO: Get better candidates elected into City Hall. You know who the residents and small business owners are? The voters! We’re the largest constituency in the city. So let’s work together to elect people who will actually work for us!

How? We’ll build the monetary muscle necessary to shape the municipal election next year—when each City Council member and the Mayor are on the ballot—and every election thereafter, to ensure our City becomes and remains world-class.

To achieve that goal, Philly Forward will:

  • Vet and support candidates who embrace our vision of Philadelphia as a world-class city—safe, clean and economically vibrant for all. We’ll do this through things like candidate forums and surveys.

  • Support our candidates through political advertising and an effective get-out-the-vote operation.

  • Remain a persistent voice in City Hall to hold our leaders accountable.

How you can get involved.

  • Join us

    Sign up for our mailing list to get the latest Philly Forward news

  • Donate

    Your donations support Philly Forward’s efforts to ensure a responsive city hall.

  • Events

    Learn more about upcoming Philly Forward events.